Labels:reckoner | sky | stairs | vegetarianism OCR: Make all checks and money o.rtp.ts payable to Adam Stein. Checks and money orders made out to Insanely Great Software will be returned Thanks! Quantity Description Price Per Copy Subtotal Desktop Remover FREE Finder Menus! 14.95 Rename Delay Editor! 10.00 Application Document Linker! 14.95 Neat Stuff! Disk 5.00 Special! System 7 Pack: Only $29.95 Finder Menus! Rename Delay Editor! Application- Document Linker! AND The Neat Stuff Disk Total: Please print your name and address. Name Address: City State Zip Code Country Your electronic addresses Optional) Compuserve: America Online: Any comments about Desktop Remover? Where you get Desktop Remover? Thanks for your order! Please return this form with payment to: Adam Stein Insanely Great Software 126 Calvert Ave Edison NJ 08820